Hingga akhir waktu (Nine ball) --> till the end of time (Christian Bautista)
info :
http://m1d107003. wordpress. com/tag/till- the-end-of- time/
http://infinity- mymusik.blogspot .com/2008/ 09/christian- bautista- till-end- of-time-new. html
download lagu:
http://www.4shared. com/file/ 62755110/ fae88e57/ Christian_ Bautista_ -_Till_The_ End_Of_Time. html
http://www.4shared. com/get/62755110 /fae88e57/ Christian_ Bautista_ -_Till_The_ End_Of_Time. html
http://uploads. bizhat.com/ file/321608
TTM (duo maia) --> Lady Like (Dreaming of the time)
http://gamoet. wordpress. com/2009/ 05/18/lady- like-dreaming- of-the-time- ttm-versi- english/
download lagu:
http://www.4shared. com/file/ 105766737/ 968ed1d5/ Ladylike_ -_Dreaming_ of_The_Time. html
Sempurna (Gita Gutawa) --> Sempurna (Nicholas Theo)
http://www.mp3raid. com/music/ nicholas_ teo_sempurna. html